Graduate Program



The Professional Master’s Degree was created to offer professionals in the area of ​​Animal Science directed training mainly to the labor market, updating knowledge to professionals linked to the Brazilian productive sector in a very dynamic way. Also, the Professional Master’s Program aims to seek a strong partnership with the national productive sector, which should result in a closer relationship between scientific knowledge and the needs of the productive sector, which should result in improvement in the well-being of Brazilian society through faster diffusion of the technologies generated. Graduate Program started in August 2006 and until now 90 dissertations have been concluded, most of them in the area of ​​Animal Production – Ruminants, therefore, since its creation, the Graduate Program has trained professionals only in this area, since the demand in Animal Production – Monogastric area started in 2016.


The Professional Master’s Degree in Animal Science aims to offer professionals in the field of Animal Science training mainly for the labor market, updating knowledge to professionals linked to the Brazilian productive sector, in a very dynamic way. Also, the Professional Master’s Program aims to seek a strong partnership with the national productive sector, which should result in a closer relationship between scientific knowledge and the needs of the productive sector, which should result in improvement in the well-being of Brazilian society through faster diffusion of the technologies generated.

Orientation and Duration

The didactic-pedagogical counseling of the professional Master’s student in Animal Science will be exercised by an advisor professor and by two other professors or researchers from UFV, or from other Institutions, as long as they are accredited by the UFV Graduate Council. The duration of the course is 24 months.


The Graduate Program of the Professional Master in Animal Science makes a self-assessment every four years with all segments involved (professors, graduate students, and staff). The results of this consultation are used to define strategic planning for the next four years.

Strategic Planning

UFV revised its Strategic Planning in 2019, for the period from 2019 to 2023, and presented three institutional objectives for Graduate Studies: Consolidating and expanding graduate studies; Strengthen policies for research, innovation, biosafety, protection of intellectual property, and Expand scientific and intellectual production and dissemination.

The strategic planning of the Graduate Program of the Professional Master’s Degree in Animal Science at UFV was developed by the UFV’s institutional strategic planning and its main objectives are to increase scientific publications in indexed journals and, thus, contribute to better technical knowledge of the area, increasing technological innovations and, therefore, made available products to the productive sector and increase fundraising from research agreements signed with the private sector. Moreover, a SWOT analysis was carried out to assist in the preparation of the Graduate Program’s strategic planning.